Like Simon Peter

Are you a fighter? A person who stands up against injustice, hates when life is unfair, and speaks against those who would do others harm? Are you someone who serves others either via the military, first responder, or hospital staff? Are you a momma or poppa bear defending your children when bullies press hate upon them? Are you told by others that you are “angry” all the time, or that you are “negative” about everything? Are you put down for the way the protect, the way you speak out against injustice, the way you point out the abuses you witness in society? Do others make you question if they are right and maybe you should just shut your mouth and change the way you think?

This is not something to be shamed for, but it could be the message is getting lost in the delivery. Someone seeking justice is not something to be shamed for, but something to be praised for.

WAIT - I am not advocating abuse or unrealistic expectations based on personal preference that contradicts truth, honesty, and good.

What I am talking about is discernment, wisdom, and courage.

These 3 qualities are becoming less and less recognizable in society and I believe we would do well to encourage them to return in full measure.

These are qualities that used to be present in children raised by parents who believed these qualities were admirable. The kids would play sports and learn to be competitive, but were demanded to display “good sportsmanship” when they lost.

Children grew up and went to college or found careers where they learned collaboration, developed a positive work ethic, and felt self-respect for doing a good job.

These traits were trained to our soldiers who were encouraged to have pride for serving their country and who were considered heroes protecting our country.

Sadly, poor sportsmanship conduct rules the sports world in all age groups. People are allowed to throw temper tantrums and spread rumors of hate and contempt about their teammates and others (I’m talking about pro sports).

Students set up tents and post signs of hate toward racial classes and religions and are encouraged more than discouraged to scream and intimidate classmates without consequences.

Our military come home broken down and discouraged with little or no positivity, encouragement, or support on how to adjust to these new norms of destruction of the country they gave their service for.

Hector Garcia created a YouTube short called:

We train soldiers for war. Let's train them to come home, too” by Hector Garcia

When there is "righteous anger" like Jesus turning over tables and running thieves out of the temple that is anger correctly applied to the situation. When someone gets upset over injustices in the world they may be acting like the apostle Simon Peter in the way he desired to protect Jesus.

When you understand what justice is and seek it in a world that does not respect justice, it can be frustrating. Taking healthy approaches to address the injustices, to move toward a place of peace, harmony, and living in truth is how you can be proactive instead of reactive to the changes and challenges you face.


The Old and The New


The Choice is Yours